Posts Tagged ‘Fitness’


Deuteronomy 10:12

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul.


Happy Birthday Krissie, we pray that the Lord blesses you with a very succesful and prosperous year. Have a great weekend and enjoy your special day.

Happy Birthday Krissie



Nahum 1:7

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him





Psalm 8:3-4

When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?


The 80/20 rule. Learn to eat perfect 80% of the time and allow yourself to slip 20% and you will still make great progress. This can give you some of your expected results. Unfortunately though, when it comes to getting those six pack Abs and performance in competition, you are going to have to be more diligent. Everyone is different, but there are still some general rules across the board.

Abs are made in the kitchen

Here is a checklist to go through while dialing in your nutrition:
1.Get rid of all the sneak in’s, such as: Dairy, wheat, rye, barley, quinoa, rice, corn, sugar, oats, etc. Basically, get rid of all the processed junk! This should have already been done!
2.No alcohol
3.Cut out all dried fruit
4.Reduce your fruit intake
5.Keep an eye on your portion sizes
6.Eat more Vegetables
7.Up your protein intake- 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight
8.Minimize nut intake- it is easy to overdo
9.Drink more water
10. SLEEP!!!
11. Take your fish oil



Proverbs 23:31-32, 33

Don’t gaze at the wine, seeing how red it is, how it sparkles in the cup, how smoothly it goes down.   For in the end it bites like a poisonous snake; it stings like a viper.
You will see hallucinations, and you will say crazy things.


The fitness-oriented individual should be aware of the acute and chronic effects of alcohol on physical performance. Acutely, alcohol can cause negative effects on motor skills and physical performance. Chronically, alcohol abuse may eventually impede physical performance; individuals diagnosed with alcohol dependence have displayed varying degrees of muscle damage and weakness.

Alcohol abuse is at least as prevalent in the athletic community as it is in the general population; in fact, the majority of athletes have begun drinking by the end of high school. Both male and female college students have higher rates of binge drinking than non-athletes, and drinking five or more drinks on any one occasion affects the brain and body for several days.

Alcohol Affects

To see the full article from the University of Georgia on Alcohol & Athletic Performance



Colossians 2:13

You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.





 Isaiah 43:2

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.


Many of you from the 530pm and Saturday morning workouts have had the pleasure of working out with Marcy. Marcy’s mother and family were affected by yesterday’s fire. Their home is a complete loss. Please help her and her family by dining at Rubio’s restaurant on Sunday! God bless the Alvarez Family and Please keep them in your prayers!




1 Corinthians 3:11

For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have-Jesus Christ.


 “You can’t finish a lift perfectly if you don’t start a lift perfectly”

-Brandon Lilly, Team Juggernaut

Most new CrossFitters or lifters are in such a rush to do the lift, that the set up is done all in a hurry.  You all resist being removed from under the bar and asked to reset up.  You are in such a desperate hurry to take the bar out of the rack that your set up is neglected.  Set up is critical, and in the back squat you need to know what type of squat you are doing and match your set up to the lift.  You also will benefit from a bit of comprehension about the basic physics/anatomical geometry of the lift so that you can understand why your coach is asking you to do a particular thing or why you eventually plateau in your squat goals.

There are two common placements for the bar in a back squat:

–  the high bar position, used for narrow stance squatting, with a more upright torso, favored for front squatting and squat programs for Olympic Lifters.  Typically, the hand position is close.

–  the low bar position, favored by powerlifters, and posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings) dominant strength work.  Feet will be a bit wider, hand position a bit wider.

There are two other common bar placement positions.  We’ll call them

–  “Wherever the bar happens to be when you take it out of the rack”-favored by new lifters, CrossFitters and those of you with no patience.

–  “I think this is what the big strong guys do” – favored by self-taught gym guys who take the “low bar” idea a little too far.

The last two will be completely removed from the discussion!!

The high bar position is simply on top of the traps.  It is quite easy to achieve and does not require a stable back or tight torso to maintain this during the lift.  For this reason, it is quite common in new lifters and with new coaches.  With the high bar position you never have that feeling of the bar sliding down off your back because you don’t have to do any work to keep it in place.  In appearance a high bar squat will look more like a front squat-nice tall, upright torso, hard working quads, and a very good, long range of motion (getting deep).

Chris High Bar

 High bar position.  Narrow hand position, top of traps.

Kelly High Bar

High bar position.  Fingers are on the exact spot on her shoulder where she is going to put the bar for her low bar position.

The low bar position is at the base of the traps.  Depending on the size of your traps, there is only an inch or two difference between a high bar and a low bar position, but the difference in effect is huge.  As you can see from the pictures, since Chris has pretty well developed traps the difference in bar position is fairly dramatic.  On our other model Kelly, the difference is more subtle because her traps, while pretty impressive, are not as long as Chris’ so the difference in the bar position is less.


Chris Low Bar

Chris with a low bar position.  Note his wider hand position, and that he has the bar settled into the groove below his traps.

Kelly Low Bar

Low bar position.

This article is courtesy of



Isaiah 40:8

The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.


#1 Incorrect Head Position: Eyes To The Sky

Eyes to the sky






This one can be called “The High School Weight Room Method”. Somewhere along the way, coaches felt that your eyes need to be on the ceiling above you since that is the direction you want to be traveling. Incorrect. Looking up with a cranked neck causes the spinal erectors to slack, compromising the position on the posterior chain, and hyper-extending the cervical spine can lead to disc injuries.

#2 Incorrect Head Position: Staring At Your Twinkletoes

This is the #2 head position that will ruin your squat form: staring straight down, usually looking at the space between your feet.  This is probably from taking the Rippetoe cue to “look down” to the extreme. The body will follow the head,  and if you are bending your neck to look down  then both your upper AND lower back will will also bend. This also increase the chance of spinal disc injuries, as well as a caving chest and knees that shoot forward.

It should go without saying that you should not be squatting in front of a mirror, or looking sideways at yourself in the mirror. Unless you want to be a chump forever.
#1 Correct Head Position: The Rippetoe Head Position

Ripptoe Head Position








According to Rippetoe, when the head is in a neutral position, the body is also in its most optimal position (neutral position = head in line with the rest of the spine).  Rippetoe states that this position will give you optimal neck safety and maximal hip power. If the neck is cranked too far up or down, the spine will be out of alignment and risk of injury increases. Driving the chin back while staring at a spot on the ground 6-7 feet in front of you is the easiest way to achieve this head position.

#2 Correct Head Position: Looking Straight Ahead

gorilla squat






You can call this one the “Powerlifter Position”, since it is the head position that is seen most in powerlifters. The mentality behind this position is that by looking straight ahead and driving the traps into the bar, the chest is forced to stay upright,  and as long as you aren’t looking any higher than horizontal, the cervical spine should stay in its normal anatomical position.

This Article is courtesy of Life Big Eat Big, “Head Position On The Back Squat”



Proverbs 12:25

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.


For those of you that were here on Saturday, you got to do a fun WOD with a deck of Cards.  Most of you are pretty familiar with different  card games, such as poker, 21 and a variety of other games. But, have you ever seen the deck of cards used in this format? Pretty awesome.. Enjoy this video.


James 3:5

In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.


Thirteen Training & Nutrition Facts We All Agree On—And 13 Things We Don’t.  I like these types of articles because they tend to get the conversation going since each person has their own point of view.

Click HERE for the full archived article.

Below are a few of the “Facts” and “Lies” that I found interesting.

Fact: You can build amazing abs with compound lifts (squats, deads, chins, clean, snatch, lunges, presses, pulls). You can showcase those abs by maintaining a low body fat.  This is CrossFit.  This is what we do on a daily basis and the reason why so many of you have amazing mid sections.  

Lie: Isolation ab exercises can help you lose belly fat and get great abs.
Most readers already know this is a lie. Bulletproof abs are made in the kitchen, with compound lifts, and the addition of sprints when necessary.

Fact: Whey protein rules for building muscle in conjunction with resistance training. It is “fast” digesting, making the amino acids available quickly for protein uptake into muscle for maximal gains. It has a superior amino acid profile of all protein sources, and it raises the most important antioxidant, glutathione, which is only produced inside the body to fight off disease.  We talk about having something/anything after you workout to help in recovery and aid in muscle growth.  Whey is a convenient option if you don’t want to bring real food to the gym.

Not Fact: Casein should always be taken with whey because it is slowly digested, triggering protein synthesis for a longer period after exercise.
Casein is highly allergenic. Will everyone who tries it have a problem? No, but when compared side-by-side with whey, it produces inferior results in terms of body composition. It’s not necessary or superior, and most people will do best without it.  

There are many additional Facts and Not Facts/Lies in the article.  Take a read and post your thoughts to the comments.  I’m curious as to which ones resonate with our members.

***courtesy of***