Posts Tagged ‘Overhead squat’

We want to get an idea of how many people are going to be participating in the 30 Day paleo challenge. Please let us know in the next few days. There will be a $20.00 buy in. The amount will go into a pot and will be awarded to the winner after the 30 Day challenge. The more people join the sweeter the prize. We will start measuring and giving details about the point system for the challenge, Friday and Saturday. Please be sure to let us know if you are going to be joining in on the event that will help you change your lifestyle, into a healthier, leaner, and stronger one. If you have not been keeping a journal, now is the time to go buy yourself a journal as it will be needed for the challenge. Taking pictures of the board will not be allowed or counted as part of your journal entry. This is for your own personal journey, so be sure to do it. You will not regret it.

Verse of the Day

Hebrews 11:1

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see

Workout of the Day


Hang Snatch – 5 x 2

Overhead Squat  – 5 x 2


3 Rounds

5 Power Snatch (95/65)

5 Overhead Squat

10 Burpees




  •        1 ½ large ripe avocados (I got mine at CostCo)
  •        4 strips of uncured bacon (cooked and cut into small pieces)
  •        1 finely diced jalapeno pepper with seeds
  •        5-7 cherry tomatoes (cut in half)
  •        ¼ diced purple onion
  •       Juice of ½ lime
  •        Sea salt (to taste)
  •        Freshly ground black pepper (to taste)


  1. Prep all your ingredients (dice and cut).
  2. Add avocados and lime to your Molcajete. Smash them together until they become like a paste.
  3. Add onions, jalapeno pepper and bacon. Using a spoon, mix them together until incorporated.
  4. Add cherry tomatoes and mix.
  5. Sprinkle some salt and pepper.

courtesy of

Verse of the Day

John 15:5 (NIV)

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Workout of the Day


Deadlift 5 x 3
Power Clean – 5 x 3


4 rounds for time of:

10 KB SDLHP (M:53#/W:35#)
20 KB Swings
200m run

As we get ready to move into the 30 Day Paleo Challenge. It will require alot of us to embrace change. Change for alot of us is a hard thing to do. Giving up the sugar, giving up junk food. Having the discipline to get to the gym for your workout because you are too tired, or don’t have the energy or desire to work hard.  Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is needed in order to break down barriers that have prevented you from achieving your goals.  I wanted to share this devotional by Joel Osteen, I think it is powerful and motivating.


Change is one of the most difficult things for people to face; however, change is inevitable. In fact, Mark Twain once said, “The only person who likes change is a wet baby.” One reason people don’t like change is because they get comfortable with where they are in life. They get used to their friends, job or the place they live. And even if it’s not perfect, they accept it simply because it’s familiar. However, when we are not willing to change, we get stuck in life holding on to what God did in the past instead of growing and moving forward into what God wants to do in the future.Today, I encourage you to be open to the new things God has in store for you. Always remember that just because God has blessed you where you are doesn’t mean you can just sit back and settle there. God wants to do something new in you and through you. He wants to see you grow, prosper and flourish. Get ready and keep your heart focused on Him. Embrace change and see the blessing God has in store for you!

Verse of the Day

Isaiah 43:19

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Workout of the Day


Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 3(1+1)
Overhead Squat – 5 x 3


For time:

5 Rounds

  • 7 Wallballs
  • 7 Pull Ups
  • 7 Burpees

Double Unders can be one of the most frustrating movements in Crossfit. When lifting, pulling or pushing, an athlete can always “force” or “muscle” another rep, even if it is with bad form. Double Unders are one of those exercises that fall into the neurological improvement categories of our 10 physical skills. We can’t muscle through or force an extra rep. We have to maintain patience and stay relaxed, even when we are tired. We have to remember to breathe and find that calm and mental center that will allow us to grind through.

I never thought there would be a day when I was giving advice on how to do Double Unders. At one time, my double under ability, or actually lack of double under ability, was quite notorious within the Crossfit Austin community. Let me take you back a couple years before the likes of Miguel, Gilbert, Shane, and Alex. I thought it would be a good idea to sign up for Sectionals being held at Camp Mabry (I know I may be dating a few of us). I remember the week leading up to the big day. The talk around the gym was about what weight would be used, what the rep scheme would look like, and if it was going to be a couplet or triplet. The only thing running through my mind was “I hope to God DUs won’t show up in the WOD”. It was here that my journey to Double Unders began.

The workouts were announced and, as I dreaded, Double Unders were not only a part of the last WOD, but there were 100 of them to complete. I was terrified. I quickly grabbed one of the ropes at the gym and began my rendition of Double Unders. Saturday came soon enough, and by that time, I was able to complete one double under followed by two singles. This was not consistent by any stretch of the imagination. As I arrived at Camp Mabry, I made it through the first two WODs (the whole time thinking about the 100 DUs to come). “3-2-1, Go!” and we were off! I remember getting through the OVHD squats, KB Snatches, KB Swings, Farmers’ Walk and then, to finish up, 100 DUs. I had heard all morning about how the grass was affecting everyone’s rope speed, etc. I knew a few blades of grass were the least of my worries. I reached my jump rope and I was off… Single, Single, DU… Single, Single, DU… Single, Single, Failed DU… and this is how it went for me. As the incredible family of CFA cheered me on and yelled the most supportive and kind words, I just couldn’t find a rhythm. I was second to last to finish the workout.

In the weeks following Sectionals, I saw DUss come up a few times in the WOD and it immediately put me in a bad mood. I saw those around me (some who started Crossfit before me and others after me) moving through them effortlessly. Needless to say, I was pissed! I began looking to Miguel and Boone. Studying their every move and (when I could set my ego aside) asking them for help. I would leave the gym and Google DU videos of Elite CF athletes and, at one point, Buddy Lee himself. I was looking for any type of guidance, training, and/or direction. For weeks I heard great cues from both coaches and members alike. We all know them by now:

*Look Straight ahead to maintain balance.

*Keep body upright and balanced with the weight on the balls of the feet.

*Jump only high enough to clear the rope.

*Land lightly on the balls of your feet.

*Keep your hands slightly in front of your shoulders.

*It’s all in the WRIST.

*Don’t “Donkey Kick.”

*Relax and Breathe.

It was only then the light bulb went off. I was missing one key component…PRACTICE! I firmly believe practice is the ultimate key to success. Whether you arrive early or stay late – grab a jump rope and put in the work. I often hear “I don’t have DUs”. I would challenge you to think about why. Have you put in the work?

It all comes down to PRACTICE. Take what you like from the coaches, your friends, and other members and find what works for you… then put in the work.

Verse of the Day

Romans 8:37 (NIV)

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Workout of the Day


Power Snatch – 5 x 2
Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 2(1+1)
Overhead Squat – 3 x 3


7 Rounds for time

  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 20 Double Unders (scaled 60 single unders)

CrossFit Hand Care

 CrossFitters often revel in the fact that our workouts have bloodied our hands. “We’re such badasses! We’re SO hardcore!” But let’s call a spade a spade: IT IS NOT “COOL” TO HAVE CHUNKS OF OUR SKIN RIPPED FROM OUR HANDS.
Flayed skin is not a badge of bad-assery. It does not mean that you are tougher or better at working out. And it most definitely does not mean that CrossFit, lifting and/or gymnastics should be avoided because of the possibility that the skin on your hands might get torn.
All it means is that:
  • You’re a soft-handed newbie who hasn’t yet had the chance to build up thicker skin on your fingers and palms to protect them from tearing, or 
  • You’re not giving your hands the T.L.C. they need to keep from getting shredded. 

Torn skin is painful and annoying, and may put you out of commission for a spell. And THAT is unequivocally un-hardcore.

Click on the link for full article on FitBomb:
Workout Of the Day 
Warm Up: 
100 Abmat Sit ups
Skill & Strength:
Overhead Squat  3-3-3
Front Squat         3-3-3
4 Rounds for Time
  • 10 Back Squats (95/65)
  • 5 Overhead squats
  • 200 m run
  • 10 Front squats
  • 5 Overhead squats
  • 200 m run